If you follow along here on the blog over the past several months, you may remember a post I wrote back towards the beginning called "Twas the night before chemo". That was the night before Denise's first treatment and when we learned that we were going to be grandparents.
But with the bun in the oven, the kids decided to hurry their wedding date along a year and have the wedding this summer. This past Saturday, July 9th to be exact. It was a beautiful ceremony and day and was a true reflection of the love that Alex and Laura share with each other and with their soon to be born son, Gideon. For Denise, the wedding and baby have been nothing but encouragement to get through her treatments and heal up so that she could celebrate the joys that life have given her. She put a Tweet out the other day that sums it up best:
These events were what she needed to continue her fight and were her glimpses of hope in her times of struggles.
She got to dance at her son's wedding. And she couldn't have been more radiant that day, either.
You can view the entire set of images here if you wish.
For now, besides the birth of our grandson to look forward to, there is this!